Chris “Babe” Predella is 28 years old. His company, Babe’s Landscape & Construction, in Brimfield, Massachusetts, employs 11 people, fields five crews, and offers full-service landscape management to 200 customers. He does snow removal, and prior to the first snowfall delivers 300 full cords of firewood to customers. To make life even more interesting, this year he purchased a 15-acre plot of land with an office and garage. Despite the “moving parts,” long hours and hard work, the owner says “I’m living a dream”, one that began when his grandfather drove him to a local hardware store when he was 11 years old. “I had been mowing a few of my neighbors’ lawns and my grandfather thought it was time I had my own mower,” Predella recalls. “I purchased a 22-inch Murray push mower and...

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